
Keeping track of what I've cooked.

Success story + Garlic green beans with sauteed onions + how much noodles for beef stroganoff

I prepared dinner tonight for 7 adults plus the boys (Lisa, Peter, Miriam, Penny, Mark, Mini and me).

Three dishes:
1. Beef stroganoff
2. Pork ribs
3. Green beans.

I intended to also make parslied carrots, but ran out of time.


  • It was the perfect amount of food, hardly any left overs.
  • The green beans came out really good.
  • The two aforementioned recipes (beef stroganoff and pork ribs) delivered on the goods.

The 350C/2h trick on the ribs worked *very* well. I’m glad I kept it simple on the marinade, just sticking with the Korean sauce – no additional anything. What worked well, as predicted, was leaving the ribs meat side down for the first 1h20mins, then flipping it and kicking it up to high broil for the last 20mins.

New recipe success: Garlic Green beans with Sauteed onions.

The green bean dish came out very good. The key to success was low heat on the onion. The onion was cut lengthwise (not diced). Another thing that worked well was NOT browning the garlic in the green beans. (I may never brown garlic again; at least for veggie dishes.  This definitely challenges my normal MO of browning garlic.)

Ingredients for Garlic Green beans + sauteed onion:

  • 1 white onion
  • 1 bag of Green beans (edges clipped)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • season with chicken bullion.

Wish I would have done better:
* Broil the green beans first to break it down. The mix it in with the saute’d onion. That way, the dish should come out less oily.
IF this were to be done, the garlic should be added when the green beans are added to the onions.
* I let the green beans/onions sit for a little too long and it got ever so slightly burned; more so than I would have liked. I *very* interesting result was the caramelizaiton of the onion – giving off a very sweet taste. What I didn’t like about it,though was the every so slightly charred dozen or so green beans. Not a big deal, but definitely wished I would have looked out for this. This dish really should be cooked on *MEDIUM/HIGH* and watched, not *HIGH*.

Lastly, the ‘just right’ amount of egg noodles was a little less than half a bag for the 7 adults/2kids.  (Had a lot of left overs of the sauce, though) – One last room for improvement:

caramelize the mushrooms/onion before adding the beef broth.  I used soy sauce to salt the ground beef and that seemed to work fine and no one noticed.

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